Aircraft Insurances
Since developing our insurance broker company we are specialized in aircraft insurances. We offer obligatory third party liability insurances, hull insurances and personal accident insurances. Beside our popular supply we have specialized staff which are of your assistance if a manufactory or a flying sport club needs insurance advises.
Below you find several ways of insurance as well as further information for every subject. If you need information about anything you cannot find, do not hesitate to contact us any time. We will always find the best solution for you.

Third party liability

Hull insurance

Personal accident insurance

Loss of license

Insurance coverage for drones.
Product and third party liability coverage
Product and third party liability coverage
Insurance packages for manufactories and work shops.

Aviation Clubs

Operation interruption
Owner liability insurance
When operating an aircraft, you are liable up to a legally defined limit regardless of fault. In order to force a claim beyond the legally defined limit, fault must be proved. As even slight negligence or a small mistake could be interpreted as fault, we recommend insurance above the legally set limit.
Aviation liability insurance is a compulsory that protects you against claims of indemnity made in accordance with legal regulations. Claims for indemnity for physical injury to passengers or occupants or damages to their property are not covered; they are a subject of the passenger liability insurance.
According to Art. 7 of the EU Decree 785/2004 and Art. 37 of the German law on air traffic (LuftVG), the minimum liability depends on the mass (weight) of the aircraft:
Maximum takeoff mass (kg) | Minimum insurance coverage Special drawing rights (SDR) |
< 500 | 750.000 |
< 1.000 | 1.500.000 |
< 2.700 | 3.000.000 |
< 6.000 | 7.000.000 |
< 12.000 | 18.000.000 |
< 25.000 | 80.000.000 |
< 50.000 | 150.000.000 |
< 200.000 | 300.000.000 |
< 500.000 | 500.000.000 |
> 500.000 | 700.000.000 |
Passenger liability insurance
A passenger liability policy protects the carrier against justified and unjustified claims of passengers who have suffered injuries or damages to their property, as well as claims by their survivors. This insurance coverage comprises the legal liability for:
- Passenger injury
- Damage to baggage
- Damages due to delays
Pursuant to the EU decree 785/2004, there is a general legal obligation to insure whenever a person is transported on the basis of a contract.
We generally recommend including passenger liability insurance as an element in a policy for CSL coverage.
Liability insurance has a double function:
- It satisfies claims up to the limit of coverage.
- It wards off unjustified claims.
We recommend
CSL insurance policy,
a combination of owner liability and passenger liability insurance,
as a comprehensive solution.
Such a policy is regarded as the optimum alternative to separate aviation insurance policies for owner liability and/or passenger liability policies. In such a package, a total integrative amount of coverage is agreed upon for the specific aircraft, a policy that includes the legal liability for the use of the aircraft (owner liability), the carrier’s legal liability for the transport of passengers (passenger liability insurance) as well as claims resulting from delays or damages to baggage during transportation.
Today, we mainly contract CSL insurance policies because the coverage sum for both types of risks is increased on account of the combination of the two categories.
Personal accident insurance
An aviation accident insurance policy allows you as an active pilot to protect yourself and the guests accompanying you against the economic effects of an aviation accident.
An aviation accident policy may be linked to your aircraft (seat insurance) or to you personally (individual aviation accident insurance). A combined accident insurance covering the general 24-hour-risk as well as the pilot’s risk is especially attractive to pilots who are thus well covered under all circumstances.
Hull insurance
Comprehensive collision insurance offers protection against loss of or damage to the aircraft. All damages are covered that the insured aircraft may suffer from risks in the air as well as on the ground up to the contracted amount of coverage. The contracted insurance sum should always equal the current value of your aircraft in order to avoid over- or underinsurance. As our client, you will regularly receive monitoring notices to check and, if necessary, adjust your insurance coverage.
Your premium rate for comprehensive collision insurance can be substantially reduced by naming the pilots who will fly the specific aircraft, so that we strongly recommend you to name your pilots in your enquiry. We shall be happy to discuss further discounts, e.g. for no claims, whole fleets as well as for association memberships in a personal conversation.
War damages
Damages or loss due to war, civil war, riots, revolts, insurrection, rebellion, industrial action, insurgency, acts of terror or sabotage, hijacking of aircraft, confiscation, requisitioning or orders of higher authority are principally excluded from comprehensive aircraft collision insurance policies.
You can usually include many of these risks by complementary comprehensive war coverage at very affordable prices. Until now, mainly aircraft incurring increased risks have taken out such complementary policies – especially if they fly to areas outside of Europe or are deployed there. Even if you have contracted comprehensive war coverage, there are countries you may not fly to.
War coverage protects you against unforeseeable events.
Engine insurance policies
Damages to engines are only covered by comprehensive collision policies if they are caused by external events, e.g. bird strikes; we offer additional special coverage for damages due to interior causes, e.g. overheating or material failure.
Repairing engine damage can be very expensive, depending on the type of engine. We shall be happy to make you a detailed bespoke offer.
Retention insurance
In contrast to the well-known conditions of motor vehicle insurances, aviation policies are not yet available without retention in case of collision damage. Depending on the type of aircraft, you must reckon with a minimum 4-digit amount that can quickly rip a great hole in the bank account of your club or household.
Thus it’s common practice in aviation clubs to collect monthly contributions from the members to accumulate funds for possible retention payments for collision damages in order to relieve the load on the person responsible for the damage.
Insurance companies employ the same community principle in such cases. Contact us to have us calculate if such retention coverage is appropriate for you.
Loss of license
This insurance enables covering the risk of pilot flight disability. It is a special form of accident insurance and is offered for employed commercial pilots.
Product and third party liability coverage
Technical aviation services (incl. CAMO), suppliers to the aviation industry as well as aircraft dealers as a rule require an aviation product liability insurance policy that provides protection in case the company is held liable damages to persons or property on account of a loss occurrence.
Such a policy comprises the legal liability for supplied products as well as for performed work and services.
BADV coverage
This is a compulsory insurance pursuant to Art. 3 of the German decree on aviation ground services. All service operators at German airports must contract a company aviation liability (BADV) insurance policy.
It includes damages that may occur by administrative processing on the ground, supervision, baggage processing, freight and mail handling, ramp services, fueling and flight operation services, crew services, ground transportation services, etc.
The insurance coverage includes the examination of all liability issues, the settling of justified indemnity claims and the fulfilment of justified indemnity obligations.
Insurance coverage for drones
Pursuant to Art. 1 paragraph 2 no. 9 of the German air traffic law (LuftVG) flying models air principally classified as “aircraft” and are thus subject to special traffic regulations that include compulsory insurance pursuant to Art. 43 paragraph 2 LuftVG, regardless of their takeoff weight.
A commercial aircraft liability policy is compulsory for receiving permission for any non-private ascent (in Germany pursuant to Art. 37 paragraph 1a and Art. 43 LuftVG in connection with Art. 101 ff. of the air traffic licensing ordinance (LuftVZO).
Contact us if need a drone insurance.
Insurance coverage for your club
We offer comprehensive solutions for aviation sports clubs that include general operating liability insurance as well as the necessary or recommended types of aviation coverage plus coverage for airfields, flying instructors, aviation events, winches for launching gliders, fueling risks, water contamination, etc..
Please ask for a detailed quote.
Operation interruption insurance
High costs may occur if an aircraft becomes unavailable due to collision or engine damage. Commercial aircraft operators can cover these risks by contracting an operation interruption insurance policy; the insurer’s indemnification can compensate additional costs, fixed costs and lost profits.
This type of policy customarily includes retention in form of a waiting period (e.g. five, seven days, etc.) depending on the type of aircraft and its deployment, plus a maximum payment period that is also the maximum payable indemnity.